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7 June 2013 Samer 0

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Manifeste GAPPA

27 June 2012 G.A.P.P.A. 3

Médias Québécois, Journalistes-Sophistes, Chroniqueurs-Rhéteurs, Éditorialistes-Propagandistes, Politiciens-Menteurs, Faiseurs d’images, Et Ingénieurs de l’Opinion Publique, Le peuple du Québec endure depuis trop longtemps votre incompétence, votre hypocrisie […]

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We Are the 99%

19 October 2011 Samer 0

We Are… We are the 99%. The ones who are misinterpreted. The ones who are criticized with not having a coherent message even when our […]

The Evolution of an Idea

27 July 2011 99%Média 0

“Now I have become death, the destroyer of worlds.” The words uttered by Julius Robert Oppenheimer, sometime after he helped create the first atomic bomb and […]

The Arab Spring

22 April 2011 Samer 0

Long has it been since a revolution of significance spread across the Arab world. Many of us have been predicting these events for decades, and […]